(Whiplash: Enigmas) (Drama)

Whiplash Enigmas

This film is called Whiplash which is a drama about a man who is trying to become an successful drummer by going to the best musician school in the country. He is being taught by a older man who is an very experienced musician who is trying to get the best out of the people who he is teaching, especially one person who is playing the drums. The man playing the drums has to over come some difficult circumstances to become the best drummer which can be seen in the trailer. The older man will do anything to get the best out of this students which can be seen when he physically abuses some of them.

Enigmas are the questions which the audience are left asking after watching a piece of work, for example watching a film trailer. Enigmas are left after watching this trailer, this is because the trailer leaves lots of cliff hangers which means that the audience is going to come up with lots of different questions about the film. For example bellow are some possible questions which the audience may be left asking...

1. Where is the film set?
2. What made him want to play the drums?
3. Will he succeed?
4. If he gets back together with his girlfriend?
5. Does his friendship with the teacher improve?


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