
Creativity Reflection

How did you use media forms to come up with something new and original?

Where did your ideas come from?
Our ideas came from watching some action thriller films like Taken. We decided to watch this film because we decided to make our film an action thriller because we wanted to include chase scenes and action scenes. We also wanted to include a main protagonist who is a secret agent which is trying to investigate a case, we decided to have a secret agent because it made the film more realistic and a thriller. Also we wanted to include a antagonist who is a undercover secret agent who is trying to clear up his tracks and prevent the protagonist from completing his investigation. 

How did you work collaboratively to share ideas?
Our group shared ideas with each other by using verbal communication, which is when we sat together and told each other what our ideas where for the film and then wrote them down onto a piece of paper. We also used mind maps to share ideas with each other, we used this because it is simple to do and is effective to get ideas down because we just needed to brain storm some of our ideas and put them down onto a piece of paper.

How did you change things?
From our initial ideas we needed to change some things which didn't make it into the final product. For example we originally had an extra scene after the protagonist was knocked out, the scene was going to include the main protagonist waking up from a bad dream to make it seem like he was having a dream. He continued his normal day but it seemed to be playing out as the dream he was having which seemed to become real life when he was walking down the same path and the same character appeared out of no where. This whole extra scene was deleted from our final product because we believe that it wasn't necessary in the story and went over the specific time period we aimed for.

How did you use tools like Adobe Premier Elements etc to achieve something imaginative?
We used Adobe Premier Elements 10 to achieve smooth editing and footage to make the product look appealing and professionally made.We also use a tool called fade effect which faded in and out an image and when it faded back in the colour would change from black and white to colour, this made our production more professional and imaginative. We also used a tool effect called fade to black which we used to link scenes together which made it more professional instead of using large cuts in the middle of our media product.

What stylistic techniques were used to appeal to the audience?
We appealed to the audience using different stylistic techniques like using fast paced editing when an action scene is taking place to create a modern day stylistic fighting scene. This is appealing to the audience because it makes the audience escape from day to day activities and allows them to be emerged into the film. The modern day style would also appeal to the audience because they will be able to relate to the characters and may even be able to relate to real life.

What was the intended outcome of the production? (assessment objectives, preferred readings, promotional purposes?)
The intended outcome of our production was to engage the audience into the story line and to make them connect to the characters which are in the film. We also intended to help promote the film and the work around it because we wanted the short film to be successful and engaging for the viewers to watch.

How were these outcomes achieved in terms of page layout and camera shot choices (codes and conventions)?
Our outcomes were achieved because we used different camera shots and angles in our short film to help make the viewers engaged in the story. We did this by using camera shots like close ups which made our audience watching the short film empathises with the characters which are in the film, we also used over the shoulder shots in our short film to give the audience an idea of what the character is looking at.


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