(Mr Popper's Penguins: Narrative Analysis) (comedy)

Mr Popper's Penguins: Narrative Analysis

Vladimir Popp's Theory of Narrative:
  • Hero
  • Villain
  • Donor
  • Helper
  • Dispatcher
  • Princess/Victim
  • False Hero

Todorov Theory of Narrative:
  • State of equilibrium at the outset
  • Disruption of the equilibrium  by some action
  • Recognition that there has been a disruption
  • Attempt to repair the disruption
  • Reinstatement of the equilibrium 

Barthes Enigma Code:
  • Is simply a theory that suggests either a piece of text or clip which portrays a mystery to draw the audience in to the text or clip. This allows the audience to pose questions about the text or clips which allows them to come up with ideas about what is happening.

Levi-Strauss Binary Oppositions:
  • Binary opposition is a pair of related terms or concepts that are opposite in meaning that creates conflict and drives a narrative, for example having Good vs Evil and Day vs Night. 


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