(Soundtrack Research)

Soundtrack Research

Background Music- In our film trailer we will add in some background music within some certain  scenes. We wanted to add some background music into our trailer because it helps to build tension and create the atmosphere of the trailer. This would be effective for the audience because it will help make them more engaged into the trailer. The background music needs to be some what noticeable because it often provides a tone or an emotional attitude towards the story or the characters within the film. In addition background music foreshadows a change in mood, for example dissonant music may be used in film to indicate an approaching (but not yet visible) menace or disaster. This type of music is non diegetic music because the characters in the trailer would not be able to hear it playing.

The clip above is from the film jaws, this film is one of the most famous films because of its well-known soundtrack that is used. The film manages to create a large amount of tension and suspense when this soundtrack is playing, this is effective for the audience because the audience knows that something is going to happen and it is not going to be good. We would want to add something like this into our trailer because the film is thriller just like the genre of our trailer which we are doing. We want to be able to create a huge amount of tension within the audience to the extent where the audience are literally on the edge of their seats and we feel like the key to be able to do this is through some effective background music. Within our trailer there are going to be many points to where we are going to be able to use background music effectively. For example right at the end when the hero walks into a dark room with villain there will be a deep slow pace thudding that will increase and increase and then just suddenly stop, then the title will come up on the screen this means the trailer is stopped at an intense moment which will excite the audience.

Sound Effects- In our trailer we are planning to use many different sound effects that can be used to create a large feeling of suspense. Synchronous sounds contribute to the realism of film and also help to create a particular atmosphere. For example, the “unlocking” of a door may simply serve to convince the audience that the image that some one is close, and the audience-may only subconsciously note the expected sound. However, if the “unlocking” of a door is part of an ominous action such as a burglary, the sound mixer may call attention to the “unlocking” of the door which may increase the volume; this helps to engage the audience in the moment of suspense. Also we are planning to use some gun shot sound effects. This will show that there is action within the film. It will also increase the excitement of the audience.

Music- At the end of our trailer we were thinking of using some gangster rap music as we feel like it will suit our trailer massively as it shows that it is down with young adults and they will be attracted to the film as we are using music that they normally listen to when they chill with their friends. As it is a British film we were thinking of using British rapper or music to show that this film is pure British.


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